
How to find your way around at

Site map and site structure. Languages.

This is a two-language site – in English and Danish.

Most of the permanent stuff is available in both languages (like the pages referred to in the menu bar).

Most of the recent stuff (like blog posts) is only available in one language since it mostly deals with stuff that is only relevant in one language — like a video of a talk in English or a reference to an event in Denmark.

The Raw Blog: However, if you want to see it all as one stream, The Raw Blog is available as a submenu to the Blog page in the menu. The corresponding stream at the Danish site “Den Rå Blog”has both Danish and English posts.

Formatted lists of blog posts are available on the Frontpage in each language. They can also be found in a longer version as sub-pages under the menu-item Blog page. There is also a formatted list of blog content in both languages.

You can search the site.

Here is a sitemap.




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